Congrats to Madeleine ‘16 on her appointment to the USNA in Annapolis, MD!

August 28, 2017

In May 2017, Madeleine Cooke '16 celebrated completion of a 10 month course of study at the Naval Academy Preparatory School (NAPS) in Newport, Rhode Island.  Now, she is at the United States Naval Academy (USNA) in Annapolis, MD and will be there until her graduation in 2021.  Madeleine will be majoring in either English, Political Science or Arabic.  She made the Cheerleading Team and the Gospel Choir. All graduates earn a Bachelor of Science degree because, no matter what the major, all Mids are required to take a science and math-based courses. A Plebe is a first year student, also called 4/C.  Every morning at sunrise they have PRT (Physical Readiness Training) for 90 minutes.  Plebe summer started June 27 and ended in August with a transition called 'The Return of the Brigade' which means the rest of the upperclassmen (from 2nd year on) return from summer training/workshops/camps/exchanges/etc. 

Local families in Annapolis can volunteer to 'sponsor' a Plebe - they serve as a surrogate family offering time, encouragement, and most importantly, a place to rest and take a break from the rigors of their military schedule. Plebes are restricted for an entire year; they cannot leave the Academy grounds except during Academy functions and holidays (Xmas, etc).  However, they can join their sponsor families during periods of leave (usually Saturday at 12noon until 6pm Sunday). ​Another way to take a 'break,' Madeleine has discovered, is going to a church service​.  
He is USNA class of 1982, she helps administer IEP's in public schools.  They also sponsor Nat, another Plebe, who is a member of the Royal Thai Navy, and whose government is sponsoring his education at USNA.  His English is excellent but still asked M for English tutoring/review in exchange for math tutoring/review.